Event Details
Oklahoma City, OK
Hotel information not available
March 27, 2012 — March 29, 2012
Breakfast begins at 6:30 a.m.
Technical Presentations
Day 1 | Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Freeze Thaw Durability of Modern Concrete Mixtures (PDF)
Tyler Ley, P.E., Ph.D, Oklahoma State University
Impacts of Curing Methods on Curling of Concrete Pavements (PDF)
Tyler Ley, P.E., Ph.D, Oklahoma State University
Portland-Limestone Cement: Synergies that Enhance Concrete Performance (PDF)
Tim Cost, P.E., FACI, Holcim, Inc.
SHRP-2 R06(E): Real-time Smoothness Measurements During Construction (PDF)
Robert Otto Rasmussen, Ph.D, INCE, P.E., The Transtec Group
Gary Fick, MS, Trinity
Recycled Wash Water Crushed Returned Concrete (PDF)
Colin Lobo, Ph.D, P.E., NRMCA
3D Laser Imaging at Highway Speed (PDF)
Kevin CP Wang, Oklahoma State University
FHWA Update (PDF)
Suneel N. Vanikar, P.E., FHWA
TRB Synthesis Topics Needed (PDF)
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction (TRB Committee AFH50)
A New NDT Tool for Pavement Evaluation: Step-frequency GPR (PDF)
H. Thomas Yu, FHWA
Joint Durability (PDF)
Peter Taylor, CP Tech Center
Mix Design and Analysis Track Pooled Fund TAC Meeting TPF 5(205) (PDF)
Peter Taylor, CP Tech Center
CP Road Map Update (PDF)
Tom Cackler, CP Tech Center
Proposal and Discussion of a New PCC Pooled Fund (PDF)
Linda Narigon, P.E., Iowa DOT
AASHTO M240 & ASTM C595 Portland-Limestone Cement: An Option to Improve Sustainability (PDF)
John Melander, Portlan Cement Association
NC² Training Program (PDF)
Dale Harrington, CP Tech Center
Day 2 | Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Innovations in Mobile Mapping and Terrestrial LiDAR Collection for the TTCC and NC² (PDF)
Joe Bruno, ESP Associates, P.A.
Anchoring Dowel Baskets Assemblies (PDF)
Maria Masten, Minnesota DOT
Anchoring Dowel Baskets (PDF)
John Privrat, Duit Construction Company, Inc.
Dowel Basket Anchoring Options (PDF)
Jeff Reid, Hilti North America
Iowa’s Experience with Setting Grades and Constructing PCC Overlays Under Traffic (PDF)
Kevin Merryman, Iowa DOT
Thickness Design of Thin Concrete Overlays
Nonwoven Geotextile Interlayers for Concrete Pavements and Overlays (PDF)
Robert Otto Rasmussen, Ph.D, INCE, P.E., The Transtec Group
UBOL Fabric Interlayer Research and UCOCP Design Procedure Pooled Fund (PDF)
Tom Burnham, P.E., Minnesota DOT
Day 3 | Thursday, March 29, 2012
Business Meeting Elections (PDF)
NC² Problem Statements 2012 (PDF)
Changes to AASHTO 253 and 254 Related to Dowel Standardization (PDF)
Steve Tritsch, CP Tech Center
Standard Specification for Corrosion-Resistant Coated Dowel Bars (PDF)
Steve Tritsch, CP Tech Center
Joint Deterioration Problem Statement (PDF)
Steve Tritsch, CP Tech Center
TRB AFT 10: Basic Research and Emerging Technologies in Concrete (PDF)
Steve Tritsch, CP Tech Center
State Reports on NDT Testing:
- Alabama (PDF)
- California (PDF)
- Colorado (PDF)
- Georgia
- Illinois (PDF)
- Illinois Tollway (PDF)
- Indiana (PDF)
- Iowa (PDF)
- Kansas (PDF)
- Louisiana (PDF)
- Michigan (PDF)
- Minnesota (PDF)
- Missouri (PDF)
- Nebraska (PDF)
- New York
- North Carolina (PDF)
- North Dakota (PDF)
- Ohio (PDF)
- Oklahoma (PDF)
- Pennsylvania (PDF)
- South Dakota (PDF)
- Texas
- Utah (PDF)
- Washington (PDF)
- Wisconsin (PDF)