Laboratory Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Various Metallic Dowel Bars

Project Details







Lee, Seung-Kyoung


Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Office of Infrastructure Research and Development


Chlorides, Concrete pavements, Corrosion, Corrosion resistance, Corrosion tests, Dowel bar retrofit, Epoxy coatings, Laboratory studies, Stainless steel, Zinc coatings

Project description

This report presents corrosion study findings related to corrosion resistance of eight types of metallic dowel bars.The best corrosion performance was achieved by type 316L solid stainless steel (SS) dowel bars. . As expected, the worst corrosion performance was observed with the uncoated carbon steel dowel bars. Most of them produced the corrosion-induced concrete cracks. The hot-dip galvanized and zinc-clad dowel bars are classified as the second worst performance group. Even though the zinc-coating layers performed well as the sacrificial cathodic protection systems for the bare steel exposed at the artificial defect sites, the consumption rates of the zinc mass were too excessive, leading to the premature depletion of the zinc layers in the areas with elevated chloride concentration. Therefore, these zinc-based dowel bars are recommended only for infrequently salted roadways and mild service conditions. For major roadways, where repairs and/or traffic disruption are not feasible, high grades of solid SS dowel bars are recommended, even though this means very high initial costs. Considering the unavailability of the SC bars and the good performance of EC dowel bars at a much lower price, it is recommended that high-quality EC dowel bars be continuously used in the majority of the major roadways subject to heavy deicing salts provided that damage touchups and stringent quality assurance/quality control practices are implemented in the field to minimize initial coating defects until they are buried in concrete.