Project Details
Christopher C. Ferraro, Kyle A. Riding, Jerry M. Paris, Caitlin M. Tibbetts
Florida Department of Transportation
Cracking, Portland cement concrete, Quality control, Service life, Structures, Testing
Project description
The Florida Department of Transportation is working towards the evaluation of structural portland cement concrete to ensure the service life requirements for concrete structures are met based on material performance. As the industry moves toward performance specifications, there is a need to evaluate the performance of the composite concrete sample, rather than the individual components. Therefore, the objective of this project was to perform a thorough literature review to determine if there are existing test methods that can quantify the performance of concrete with respect to heat evolution, cracking, and durability at the mix design phase. Based upon the exhaustive literature search performed, there are a large number of tests available to evaluate composite concrete specimens for heat evolution, cracking potential, and durability. The majority of these test methods did not meet the criteria of FDOT without any modifications; the few methods that met all of the qualifications do not provide sufficient information to be recommended for FDOT quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). Recommendations for a future study to investigate these methods further and determine acceptance criteria is as follows. To evaluate potential for cracking of concrete, a Florida Method based on AASHTO T 334 should be created. Additionally, a Florida Method based on the LCPC QAB semi-adiabatic calorimetry test should be developed to measure heat evolution of concrete. Lastly, characteristics regarding chloride and sulfate durability require fundamental research into the accelerated curing regimes, especially for concrete using SCMs prior to a Florida Method being developed to assess these characteristics.