Project Details
05-202, TPF-5(100)
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Iowa Department of Transportation
Kansas Department of Transportation
New York State Department of Transportation
Ohio Department of Transportation
Slag Cement Association
Scott Schlorholtz
Doug Hooton
About the research
The initial phase of this project was conducted to determine whether adding slag cement to concrete mixtures increases the surface scaling caused by the routine application of deicer salt. A total of 28 field sites that included portland cement concrete pavements and bridge decks containing slag cement were evaluated. Laboratory testing was conducted on 6 in. diameter core samples extracted from 12 field sites and 3 subsites, including 6 pavement sites and 6 bridge decks. The laboratory testing program consisted of scaling tests, rapid chloride permeability tests, surface chloride profile tests, and petrographic examination. The results of this study suggest that construction-related issues played a bigger role in the observed scaling performance than did the amount of slag in the concrete mixture.